Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Vegans: Do you ever crave for foods that you have blocked from your diet?


You know, like the usual craving for something that you haven't had in a while, or when you see something really tasty at the store or in an ad and you look at it and it looks really good..?
Ice cream, cake, candy, chips, any canned or boxed foods, meat...

*From someone who craves everything.
If so, how do you work your way through the craving?

Let's see,if I want ice cream,I eat soy or rice ice cream. Candy,I hate,but there's so many kinds of vegan candies. Goto-http://veganessentials.com/ or https://www.veganstore.com/index.html?action=myaccount if you want to order things or just go to your local health food store. READ LABELS EVEN IN A HEALTH FOOD STORE!! Chocolate I eat whenever I want,just the dark chocolate kinds,there's so many types and flavors of vegan chocolates to try. Chips,If I really want it I eat it. Chips are only not vegan if cooked in animal fats or coated in cheese or sour cream. Boxed foods are disgusting,I only like to eat healthy foods.For these,once again check out the websites I gave you or hit your health food stores. Meat,is even more disgusting. If I ever want something with a meaty texture then I just make some seitan.Also,I will sometimes eat tempeh,or tofu. If you really "need" something even more meat like try vegan sausages,burgers or "hot dogs". Cheese,I either use nutritional yeast or soy,nut or rice cheeses.
The only things I may crave are dishes from my childhood. If I feel sad or homesick and I want something homey,I may make something like vegan stuffed peppers or mashed potatoes with really great side dishes.Those are both things my mom would make,only the mashed potatoes dish was usually with chicken. I've learned to make everything my mom would make when I was growing up,but vegan style. Even meatloaf,or spaghetti and "meat" balls.
There's no reason to have an unfulfilled craving as a vegan. I think I have a recipe for everything including vegan marshmallows for S'mores.
Here's some great cookbooks that have a lot of those great "childhood" recipes but veganized. They are all by Sarah Kramer and only some call for vegan substitute foods-"How it all Vegan", In the Garden of Vegan" and "La Dolce Vegan". They're lots of fun. Give them a go. Have fun with your diet and be creative.

Seitan vs tofu "turkeys"?


So last year for Thanksgiving I made a stuffed tofu loaf ("tofurkey" if you will.) I really enjoyed it, but I've been eating a lot of soy lately, so I'm thinking tofu may not be the greatest thing to have for Thanksgiving dinner (and lunch the next few days.) My little sister, though, insists on having a fake turkey that night. So I was wondering if anyone has ever tried making a stuffed seitan loaf/turkey? I've never had seitan, but I've heard great things about it. Anyone have any reviews or tried and true recipes? I'm not really interested in premade products if there are any, but tips on making just plain seitan would be welcomed as well. Thanks in advance! :)
2b2gbi and marsh: I am not a fruitarian, nor does my religion prohibit me from causing harm to plants. If you believe that people should refrain from eating or using plant products, that is your business, but I would prefer that you do not preach to me as I have not and will not preach to you. Also, your responses in no way answer my question.
Oops, I guess those two deleted their answers. Please ignore the above added details. :)

Seitan roasts are quite easy to make and a delicious alternative to soy turkey roasts. This recipe I have made and is quite delicious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npw2LKpag5o&feature=channel. The exact recipe with measurements can be found at everydaydish.tv. I halved the recipe since there are only a couple vegetarians in my family. You can make this seitan roast fancy by adding a glaze to it and by using the puff pastry (most puff pastry is vegan, just check the ingredients) crust.

Another suggestion I have is this vegetarian meatloaf. http://www.vegnews.com/web/articles/page.do?pageId=1489&catId=11 I've made this too and it's really tasty. I usually like to add extra sauteed onions, garlic and mushroom for more flavor. I like that this recipe contains less processed foods. However, it doesn't taste anything like turkey, but it is another option that goes great with traditional Thanksgiving side dishes.

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