Saturday, May 10, 2014



anyone knows the kinds of vegetarian meat?? i only know is the gluten, and my family don't like it when i used it in my recipe. can you please give me some other kind?? tnx
tnx!!! when i bought gluten they said ähh veg. meat" that's why i think it's called a veg. meat. tnx to ur answer, but i want to know is there any other except from boca?? i want to know more kinds so i can choose.
tnx evrybody, the truth is i'm the only vegetarian, in my family i just want to show them that vegetable is delicious, that why i'm searching kinds of fake meat. tnx to all

The gluten you refer to is called seitan, it is basically wheat gluten.

You can use tofu or tempeh in it's place. It's not "meat", but it is a meat stand-in in a lot of recipes. I've even had really good vegan stroganoff with tempeh before!

Tempeh is fermented soybeans, it tastes sort of nutty and odd, it's an acquired taste, but it is wonderful if you use it with sauces, marinades, or fry it (when breaded and fried, it is almost chicken-like).

Tofu comes in many varieties. You can have very soft silken tofu, which is good for deserts, baking, smoothies and dips. There are firmer varieties of tofu that you can use in the place of eggs in many recipes (look up tofu eggless egg salad recipes, or tofu eggless scrambled eggs). It is wonderfully versatile and a staple in my home.

I would also suggest cooking more with beans. They are very flexible. You can make a vegan meatloaf-like dish with black beans, veggies, pine nuts and some ketchup and spices.

Anyone have any great vegetarian/vegan recipes?

Just right

I am going vegetarian. I am not yet sure what kind of vegetarian. I attempted this before and I lasted two weeks. I am trying again. I am starting out by cutting out red meat, which I rarely eat anyway. Then I will continue by cutting out white meat, and whatever else I decide to live without. Any great recipes for me anyone? :)
Please and thank you

It's important not to just cut out meat. You have to be thinking about beans, nuts, seeds, soy, eggs/dairy (if not going vegan) and ways to make those.

Try substituting beans for meat in your favourite recipes, eg black beans, partly mashed into a packet of the taco seasoning and water you'd add to ground beef for taco night. Try grating a portobello mushroom into tomato sauce instead of ground beef. I like tofu in stirfries instead of chicken (takes practice to have tofu taste other than bland - experiment!). I like making meatloaf with a can of white beans instead of meat - mash them and use your favourite meatloaf recipe from there...

Many meals can naturally be made vegetarian... load a pizza crust with tomato sauce and tons of veggies before baking, make a frittata for dinner, pasta with tomato sauce and vegetarian parmesan cheese (look for one with bacterial culture, not rennet)...

Lunch and breakfast are easy... most of my friends don't know I'm veg when they see me eating pj or cheese sandwiches for lunch! Many breakfast cereals are higher in protein, eg. kashi/Vector. is a round-up of many food blogs from around the world. They have a search term, eg veggie burger, and frequently feature vegetarian/vegan menu items for when you're looking for something new.

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