Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What are some good food alternatives? (lower fat/healthier alternatives)?

vegetarian meatloaf recipe tofu
 on ... TVP and Tofu Meatloaf Recipe - Healthy-Recipes, Vegetarian Recipes
vegetarian meatloaf recipe tofu image


anyone have a list of good healthy foods that are alternatives to some of the most common popular foods?
some of the foods i like are
baked potato (loaded)

Buy small frozen "individual" pizza's by health brand's such as: Kashi, Amy's, Weight Watcher's Smart One's, Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice, etc.
Or ..
Order a pizza (consume 1/2 small pizza, 2-3 slices medium and 2 slices large/ extra large). Order thin crust or wholewheat crust with basic tomato sauce and "light ammount of cheese". Order with a variaty of vegetables/ fruits (pineapple/ tomato/ peppers/ onion/ spinach/ zuchinni/ broccoli/ etc) with optional lean meat on pizza (ham/ sliced chicken breast/ anchovies- fish or extra lean ground beef- lean ground turkey).
Dip crust/ pizza in a marinara sauce or light creamy salad dressing (light ranch salad dressing)

- Try ordering "veggie" burger's at fast- food joints or a kid's single patty burger (no cheese).
Also try turkey burger's/ grilled chicken burgers (no mayonaise).
Or .. Make you're own with extra lean ground meat/ lean ground turkey or purchase a Boca Burger and consume on a wholewheat bun/ pocket with ketchup/ mustard/ relish and vegetable toppings with optional slice of light cheese- light shredded cheese and optional avacado/ guacamolie/ light creamy salad dressing- vinagrette (eg: light ranch salad dressing)
Consume with crunchy vegetables and hummus- cottage cheese, cooked vegetables in olive oil or side salad with light dressing/ vinagrete with optional baked potato wedges/ baked yam wedges.

MEATLOAF (Make with extra lean ground beef- lean ground turkey, basic tomato soup, diced vegetables, ground bran cereal and a egg. Check "google" for hearty meatloaf recipes).
Use tomato sauce as a gravy or onion soup.

Baked potato with a small ammount of either; 1% cottage cheese or light sour cream with chives and herbs/ spice's. Add TBSP ketchup/ tomato sauce/ chili sauce for added flavour.

Pastas (use a wholewheat pasta and with a tomato sauce or drizzeled with olive oil, diced vegetables and herbs. Add optional light laughing cow wedge in pasta or 1-2TBSP grated cheese. Add optional lean protein- turkey meatballs/ meatless meatballs, sliced chicken breast, lean ground beef- lean ground turkey- ground soy crumbs, diced tofu, shrimp, scallops, salmon, tuna, prawns, etc)

Burrito (use a wholewheat flour tortilla, ~ two 6' tortillas), use salsa instead of sour cream, lightly shredded cheese, variaty of cubed vegetables (peppers/ onion/ tomato/ lettuce/ etc) with spices/ herbs and either baked beans in tomato sauce- spices, lowfat refried beans, fajita steak sliced, fajita chicken sliced or salmon/ trout sliced or sliced tofu)
Consume with side salad and light dressing/ vinagrette or cooked vegetables in olive oil with optional brown- long grain rice.

Chili (buy canned vegetarian/ turkey chili).

What kind of sandwich? vegan style...........please?


I've been craving sandwich ....any good ones out there like is there such thing like vegan ham or turkey products...

You can buy fake meats in the grocery store frozen food section, like Morningstar farms, Quorn or Bocca...sometimes they use eggs I think though..read the labels. Here are some links to recipes..

Vegetarian Fake Meats

Bacon (vegan)
http://recipeswithtofu.blogspot.com/ (2 recipes for vegan bacon)
http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Faken-Veggie-Bacon/Detail.aspx (fake bacon)
(Idea- take a Yam and slice it length wise thinly
soak in soya sauce and fry in oil result Fake Fried bacon!
optional: you might prefer to dip strips in cornmeal for to get a crunchier result!)

Bologna (vegan)
(Idea- Take thinly sliced beets, soak in soy sauce, and fry in oil.)

Beef (vegan)
http://www.vegan-food.net/recipe/1190/Swiss-Steak/ (swiss steak)
http://www.ellenskitchen.com/recipebox/glutensteaks.html (seitan steaks)
http://www.theppk.com/recipes/dbrecipes/index.php?RecipeID=113 (seitan Portobello stroganoff)
http://www.theveggietable.com/recipes/mockbeefstroganoff.html (mock beef stroganoff)
http://www.vrg.org/recipes/vjseitan.htm (seitan and shitake mushroom stroganoff)
http://www.vegparadise.com/news18.html (stroganoff from sunburgers)
http://www.theveggietable.com/recipes/seitanbeefstew.html (seitan mock beef stew)
http://www.vegparadise.com/news18.html (stroganoff from sunburgers)
http://www.vegan-food.net/recipe/222/Seitan-Beef-Cutlets/ (seitan beef cutlets)
http://www.bbqu.net/recipes/403_1.html (ginger grilled tofu steaks with miso mayonnaise)
http://vegweb.com/index.php?topic=7586.0 (seitan roast beef sandwiches)
http://kitteekake.blogspot.com/ (seitan spare ribs)
http://www.theveggietable.com/recipes/mockbeefbourguignon.html (beef bourguignon, from seitan or tempeh)
http://www.theveggietable.com/recipes/seitancheesesteak.html (seitan cheesesteak)
http://www.theveggietable.com/recipes/mincemeat.html (vegetarian mincemeat)
http://www.theveggietable.com/recipes/tvpmeatloaf.html (TVP and tofu meatloaf)
http://www.theveggietable.com/recipes/pate.html (veg liver pate)

Breakfast (general)
http://www.theveggietable.com/recipes/tempehhash.html (tempeh hash)

Cabbage rolls(vegetarian)
http://www.fatfreevegan.com/veggies/veg-bean.shtml (bean stuffed cabbage rolls)
http://www.johnrussell.name/recipes/crock_po.htm (potato stuffed cabbage rolls..crockpot)

Chicken (vegan)
http://www.chezbettay.com/salads_chicken.html (chicken salad..vegan)
http://www.theveggietable.com/recipes/tempehsalad.html (mock chicken salad)
http://www.vegan-food.net/recipe/1153/Buddha-s-Chicken/ (Buddhaâs chicken..vegan)
http://www.fatfreevegan.com/Meat_subs/881.shtml (chick or italian tofu burgers)
http://recipeswithtofu.blogspot.com/ (mock chicken patties)
http://www.vegan-food.net/recipe/223/Seitan-Chicken-Cutlets/ (seitan chicken cutlets)
http://allrecipes.com/recipe/chicken-seitan/detail.aspx (seitan chicken)
http://www.vegan-food.net/recipe/669/Breast-of-Tofu/ (chicken breast of tofu)
http://www.vegan-food.net/recipe/1372/Chicken-Fried-Tofu/ (chicken fried tofu)
http://donteatoffthesidewalk.com/?page_id=68 (Tempeh âwingzâ)
http://www.theveggietable.com/recipes/chowmein.html (mock chicken chow mein)

Clam Chowder
http://www.theveggietable.com/recipes/oceanchowder.html (Veg clam chowder)

Crab (vegan)
http://www.boutell.com/vegetarian/krab-kakes.html (crab cakes)
http://www.theveggietable.com/recipes/tempehcrabcakes.html (mock crab cakes)

http://spiceislandvegan.blogspot.com/2006/09/buddhas-mock-peking-duck-or-mu-shu.html (mock

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