Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Help with a healthy vegetarian diet (life diet not lose weight diet)?

vegetarian meatloaf recipe tvp
 on ... TVP and Tofu Meatloaf Recipe - Healthy-Recipes, Vegetarian Recipes
vegetarian meatloaf recipe tvp image


On new years I officially became a vegetarian. Everything was fine and I didn't face any cravings (I'm not much of a meat eater). But I saw that my diet has been reduced to a lot of carbs and cheese's.
I can't eat lettuce, raw tomatoes, or anything that could be found in a salad. I cant eat cauliflower, melons, or apples. It's a stomach condition...

That makes having a vegetarian lifestyle hard!!! I've been enjoying my food but I've been eating rice, pizza, spinach, a lot of home cooked Mexican food, and most of my meals contain a lot of cheese in them.
Help. I've been feeling a weaker lately and I think it's because of my poor diet. I'm going grocery shopping tonight. Any suggestions.

Hi , Even with your stomach condition it sounds like you can still eat lots of vegetarian food and eat healthier . You just need some ideas .

You can cut down the cheese when cooking Mexican food by adding Avocado (a very healthy fat) , how about cooked tomato " stewed " or diced and cooked ? ,

You can also make a Fajita out of sauteed veggies ..some choices to add are peppers, onions, and squash .

You can make veggie slopppy Joe's by simply substituting veggie meat .

How about veggie sausage and peppers on or with Italian bread ?

My mom makes awesome Vegan meatballs using TVP (texturized vegetable protein) instead of meat ..She also makes Vegan meatloaf this same way ..served with mashed potatoes .

Stuff peppers with a rice and veggie meat

Stuff Mushrooms with breadcrumbs and a bit veggie cheese.

There are lots of veggie meats today .. you can make sandwiches with veggie bacon , veggie chicken patties , veggie burgers, veggie hotdogs ,plus all the Veggie deli meats as pepperoni , ham , bologna ..etc all NON meat

Pasta dishes with cooked Veggies , Pesto , or Beans are great

Look in the frozen section for Amy's foods ( many are vegetarian) already prepared

I also adore curry foods ..look for Indian recipes

Add more fruit to your diet , Pineapple and strawberries are low calorie as well as oranges, tangerines , peaches, plums

The easiest way is to think of what you like eating and then just substitute .. begin to experiment more..it gets easier as time goes by ..

Some sites for great recipes are:




Vegan Forever

How can i be a vegetarian and survive in the south?


As an African American in south Louisiana, soul food is life! I decided to become a vegetarian in order to lower my blood pressure and my weight permanently. I'm also hoping that i can help with my depression.

How can i get through the holidays and family gatherings without fried chicken, barbecued ribs, meatballs, gumbo, spicy chili and even my sister's meatloaf? And what about seafood??? Fried catfish, trout, craw fish, shrimp...need i go on?

Please help. I've never even gone one meal in my life without some form of meat. I don't know where to start. Wait. I can't eat turkey either! Or rice dressing. :(

And what about spicy?? I love spicy chicken, chili, beef and everything!
Wow McB! You really are from the south!!
I'm not obese. I just don't weigh what i'd like to.

With lots of help, and fortunately for you there's lots available!

I have been vegetarian for over 11 years now, and let me tell you, you won't actually be missing much. I will explain. :) There are "meat replacements" for pretty much everything these days, and there are usually vegetarian recipes to fill in the blanks where there are not.

Barbecued ribs, meatballs, chili, hot dogs, chicken, spicy chicken nuggets, bologna, burgers... all of these have vegetarian versions that are delicious! What makes spicy chili spicy isn't the beef, it's the spices... replace 1 lb. ground beef with 1 lb. TVP in your favorite recipe and voila you have your chili you love! I LOVE spicy food -- trust me I know. :) Tacos and Sloppy Joes - same thing. :)

I don't know a lot about seafood options, other than tuna salad, because I never was a seafood fan, but they are out there as well.

Just relax and go about it the same way all great things are accomplished in this world... one step at a time. You can do this. :) It's a great choice for your health, as I am sure your doctor has told you!!

My advice... don't overwhelm yourself. Start this week by cutting meat out of one meal per day... next week, two meals per day. Build yourself a repertoire of options so that you do not feel that you are being deprived. You won't be deprived, in fact, chances are your options will increase exponentially as you enter this new adventure with an open mind.

Good luck and enjoy!

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