Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Vegetarian diet, what do i eat?

vegan meatloaf recipe tempeh
 on Vegan Meatloaf Recipe Tempeh
vegan meatloaf recipe tempeh image

rainbow ca

I have recently turned vegetarian. I'm not sure what to eat and my parents are annoyed with me because i don't get enough protein.

What are simple meals that are healthy and that i can do everyday and still get full nutrition?

Food, silly.

Fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and beans--that covers quite a bit of ground, wouldn't you say?

As for protein, even vegans get more protein than they really need. You don't want too much protein because it strips calcium from your bones (animal protein is especially acidic, causing calcium loss) and taxes your kidneys.

If you're parents think you aren't getting enough protein there are three possible reasons: 1) they've fallen for the protein myth like most people; 2) you don't get enough calories; or 3) you eat mostly junk food.

Some simple meals: A bean and rice burrito with salsa or grilled veggies.

Pasta witih marinara sauce. If you saute some kale/collards/greens and pour the marinara over it, it's really healthy.

A stir fry with cubed tofu or tempeh instead of meat. Many grocery stores also carry vegetarian meal-starter strips that are designed for stir-fries or fajitas. Lightlife makes "beef" and "chicken" varieties.

A veggie burger with oven-baked fries.

If you like meatloaf, you can make veggie versions. Google Vegetarian Loaf Studio, and there's a website where you can customize your own veggie loaf. has tons of recipes.

VEGAN food? anyone? :)?


hi, just wondering if you vegans would like to suggest some good vegan food to me, that are nutritous and maybe have calcium, iron, and/or protein in it. I started to be vegan for like 3-4ish weeks and dont have many recipes. (also is there any good replacements that you have tried...cause i am never going to eat a sad,dead,animal?) :(
thank you.

Lots of foods have protein or amino acids in them. Getting enough protein should not be an issue if you eat a well balanced diet. Protein rich foods include legumes (beans & lentils), nuts, seeds, tempeh (a soy product). You can see some basic protein info at

Calcium shouldn't be a concern either if you are eating healthy and well balanced. Greens, broccoli, and soy products (though you should avoid most un-fermented soy products like tofu, soy beans, and soy milk) are high in calcium.

Iron is a bit more difficult to obtain in a vegan diet, but still not a huge problem. For a couple articles about iron you can see and

Vegan recipes can be found at numerous places online including:

You can also modify many of your favorite recipes by eliminating the meat. Not all recipes can be modified (eg, meatloaf) but many such as pastas, salads, stir-fries, casseroles can be made vegan by leaving out the meat and adding additional vegetables or even meat substitutes.

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